
A Hamster, Or…Kitty Wheel? ADORABLE Video You Will Love!



If we’re being totally honest with ourselves, we’ve all wanted to run in a hamster wheel at some point in our lives.

There’s just something about seeing how ecstatic hamsters look when they’re running in them that makes you think how amazing it would be to run in one yourself.

Maybe some day they’ll make one that’s human sized. But if not, that’s OK. I can still dream…

Maybe someday they’ll make one that’s human sized.

But if not, that’s OK. I can still dream…

Before I got a bit off topic, I  should keep talking about hamster wheels.

While I may not be able to run around in one, can some of my non-hamster pets?

According to today’s video, most definitely.

We see a number of different cats running around in these big wheels looking both frightened and extremely happy.

And it’s not only cats that get in on the fun.

Toward the end, we get to see some of the cutest puppies I’ve seen in quite some time happily run on the wheel. See how happy they look?

That’s why I want one.

So now that I’ve seen bigger animals in a hamster wheel, where do we go next?

How about the next biggest hamster-related toy: the wonderful hamster ball.

Come to think of it, do they make one of those for humans too?

I’m going to start doing some research…

Written by Anthony